Christine Hissong, the Principal Attorney at Positive Pathways, has served families in the Northern Virginia area for over twenty years. She is an experienced, respected attorney, helping clients resolve their family law matters through advocacy, negotiation, mediation, and Collaborative law. She is committed to finding the legal solutions that best serve her clients. Christine has the experience, knowledge, and dedication to help you with your family law matters.
Whether you want to plan for your future through a Prenuptial or Post-nuptial Agreement, or whether you are experiencing the frustrations of marital or partner conflict, or in the event of separation and divorce, Positive Pathways can help. Christine has helped families in the Northern Virginia area for over twenty years and provides the following services in the areas of family law:
Collaborative Process: The Collaborative Process is a voluntary out-of-court resolution process.
The Collaborative Process is unique in that the process begins with the signing of a Collaborative Participation Agreement, which:
In the Collaborative Process,
Mediation: The parties work with a mediator, an impartial third party, who facilitates the resolution of the disputes by promoting the parties’ voluntary agreement. The mediator assists communication, encourages understanding and focuses the parties on their individual and common interests. The mediator works with the parties to explore options, make decisions and reach their own agreements. The process includes: a) an orientation to mediation and exchange of information; b) a facilitated discussion of the specific issues; c) the generation of options for solution and the evaluation of those options; and d) a written Agreement memorializing the parties’ mutually agreed-to provisions of resolution.
What does a Prenuptial Agreement do: It is a misconception that a Prenuptial Agreement is needed only if one or both parties have substantial assets or debts. Prenuptial Agreements allow parties to decide how issues will be addressed and resolved upon a future event, which allows them to avoid involving the court. A Prenuptial Agreement allows a couple to agree upon how they will operate during the marriage, what will happen in the event of divorce, and what will happen in the event of death of one of the parties.
Christine understands that every family law situation is different and is dedicated to working with her clients to find cost-effective legal solutions that work best for them. When you need experienced, dedicated, and respectful representation, reach out to Positive Pathways. Contact us to arrange your consultation today.